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7 Rules for Safer Trails: What You Missed at Brown’s Creek Trail Safety Event!

Writer's picture: SustainableStillwaterMNSustainableStillwaterMN

On Saturday, August 24th, the Brown’s Creek Trail buzzed with activity as Sustainable Stillwater MN (SSMN) joined forces with the Gateway Brown's Creek Trail Association, Gateway Cycle, Pedego E-Bikes, and BikeMN to host a Trail Sharing / Trail Safety event. Held at Brown's Creek Park on Neal Ave, this engaging event aimed to educate trail users on the 7 key guidelines for better trail sharing and safety.

Trail Safety Event

From 11:30 AM to 3:30 PM, volunteers from SSMN and GBCTA set up tents along the trail, distributing "Trail Safety Cards" and offering friendly advice on how everyone can contribute to a safer and more enjoyable trail experience. Bikers, walkers, and e-bikers were all welcome to participate in interactive discussions at the tents, where they learned about the importance of respectful trail sharing.

The event was a vital step in Stillwater's ongoing efforts to maintain its status as a Bicycle Friendly Community. By fostering a culture of safety and respect, these organizations are paving the way for a more inclusive and enjoyable outdoor environment for all.

For those inspired by this initiative, there are plenty of volunteer opportunities available. If you’re familiar with the 7 rules of trail safety and eager to make a difference, reach out to Rick Heidick, leader of the Bicycle Friendly Community Workgroup, at

Thank you to everyone who participated in making our trails a safer place! Let’s keep the momentum going and continue to work together to enhance our community’s trail experience.


Trail Sharing Guidelines: The 7 Rules for a Safer Trail

  1. STAY RIGHT… and keep the trail clear

    Always stay to the right side of the trail, allowing others to pass safely. Keep the trail clear of obstacles by avoiding abrupt stops or leaving belongings in the way.

  2. PASS SAFELY… on the left When passing others, do so on the left side, and always check to make sure it’s safe before you move. Announce your intention to pass, such as by saying “On your left!”

  3. BE ATTENTIVE… aware of others Stay aware of your surroundings, including other trail users, wildlife, and changing trail conditions. Keep distractions like headphones at a low volume or consider leaving them off entirely.

  4. COMMUNICATE… your intentions Use signals or verbal cues to let others know what you plan to do, such as stopping, slowing down, or turning. This helps everyone navigate the trail more smoothly.

  5. BE RESPONSIBLE… for pets and children Keep pets on a short leash and ensure children understand trail etiquette. This helps prevent unexpected movements that can lead to accidents.

  6. RESPECT OTHERS… on the trail Whether someone is moving slower or faster, be courteous and patient. A friendly attitude goes a long way toward a positive experience for all.

  7. YIELD TO TRAFFIC… at intersections Always yield at intersections and follow any posted signs. Look both ways and make sure it’s clear before proceeding to cross.

Respect others, share the trail, and make it safe and enjoyable for everyone!


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