After a wildly successful, event-filled Bike to School week in 2018, Lily Lake
Elementary School went on to carry their own festivities this year and plan to
continue forward with annual participation. Anderson Elementary worked with
PowerUp to celebrate Bike to School day on May 8th as well.

Sustainable Stillwater worked with Rutherford Elementary School, Bike Alliance
MN and PowerUp to coordinate a Bike Safety Rodeo on May 6 prior to Bike to
School day this year. We engaged each of Rutherford’s 112 fourth graders over
four outdoor break-out sessions for a fun, educational course. We provided a
fleet of child-sized bicycles and helmets and taught the kids to:
Properly fit a bike helmet
Exhibit appropriate form on the bike
Signal for turns
Look back over their shoulders to check for traffic while riding
Come to both complete stops and careful slow-downs at road junctions
Safely ride along an obstructed course
Ride in figure 8 formation with up to 7 other cyclists, properly controlling speed and yielding to traffic
Each child received a certificate, water and clementines upon completion of the
course and a great time was had by all on a beautiful spring Minnesota day.
Our goal at SSMN is to continue to promote and support Bike To School Day
activities each year in Stillwater until each of our elementary and middle schools
are participating in the event safely and independently, annually. We aim to
grow healthier Stillwater kids!