Your help is needed again on July 30 from 3-5pm. Graham will have mulch to spread after we weed the bed we planted May 5. Snacks provided. Sign up here:

It's time to weed the native plants, flowers, and grasses we planted in Brown's Creek Park, 8312 Neal Ave N, Stillwater in May. Can you help us weed "volunteers" that have taken root and help spread more mulch! The weeding party takes place Friday, July 30, 3-5pm. Stay as long as you can. Meet Graham at the entrance to the park at 3pm along the bike trail. Google Map:
Graham Tait, the new leader of the Bird City team, has $100 spend from a previous Wild Wings grant. So he will use it to buy the mulch!
Who: Everyone is invited to help. Bring your own hat, water, sunscreen, shovel, fork, and gloves as the Public Works has limited gardening equipment. Water and snacks will be available. Rain date TBA.
Please forward this link to anyone else you think might be able to attend.