Sustainable Stillwater’s Natural Resource Workgroup has been planning and exploring the option to take over maintenance and sponsorship of the rain garden located next to the boat launch at Lily Lake. This is a highly visible location, but it has suffered from a lack of maintenance for many years. Sustainable Stillwater’s Natural Resource Workgroup volunteers have been coordinating with the Washington Conservation District, Middle St. Croix Watershed Management Organization, Lily Lake Association, as well as the City of Stillwater.
It has been determined that the site was installed in 2011 by the nonprofit organization, Great River Greening, and is owned by the City of Stillwater. There is currently no maintenance agreement in place for this site, and no one currently maintaining it. We have received permission from the City to begin this project and take over sponsorship of the site. Fitzie Heimdahl will be leading the implementation of this project, along with the assistance of the Natural Resource Workgroup. The first step will be clearing the site of invasive woody shrubs and grasses.
Invasive species identified were: Siberian Elm, Buckthorn, and Reed Canary Grass. A brush saw will be used to cut down the trees. Options are still being considered for the reed canary grass. They could include: digging, covering the plants with plastic, or application of herbicide. This will be done in the next few weeks, and we will coordinate with the City of Stillwater Public Works to haul away brush piles and apply herbicide. This will also determine is still growing, and what can be added. We would like to apply for funds an estimated budget of $300 for new plantings.
We will coordinate with the Washington Conservation District and the Middle St. Croix Watershed Management Organization for the best plant selection and procurement of grant funds. Our goal would be to plant and complete this project in the fall of 2020. We are also looking to create a sponsorship sign for Sustainable Stillwater at this location. Natural Resource Workgroup members will track their hours for Sustainable Stillwater and the City.
EDITED After Restoration:
Shout out to Fitzie Heimdahl, Louise Watson, and the Stillwater Public Works department for clearing out the Rain Garden next to the Lily Lake boat launch. They did a fantastic job! Thank you for contributing to cleaning up Stillwater's overgrown areas.

They cleared out Purple Loosestrife and other woody invasives and transplanted some dogwood bushes around the lakeshore. The natural resource workgroup is hoping to work with the Washington Conservation District, the Watershed District, and the Lily Lake Association to continue restoration work around the public lakeshore.