When: May 4, 2019 9:00-Noon
Where: Staples Park (at Wilkins St W. and Martha St. N.)
What: Bring a rake, shovel, clippers/shears, broom and gloves.
Sustainable Stillwater MN is organizing a raingarden cleanup--please join us! Questions or signup at sustainablestillwatermn@gmail.com
10 raingardens along Wilkins Street that are in need of cleanup after winter's ravages. We will rake out plant debris, cut down standing dead grass and flowers, and shovel out dirt that is blocking stormwater from flowing into the raingardens.
Safety vests and refreshments provided, along with information about raingarden adoption. Yes- YOU can adopt a raingarden near your home, church, school or business. It's a great family and youth group project. More information at: http://www.mnwcd.org/adoptaraingarden/