Dear Community Partners,
After a year of positive impact in our region thanks to community support, Sustainable Stillwater MN (SSMN) is hosting its second annual fundraiser, Sustainability Works on Thursday, November 2, 2023 at the JX Center. We invite you to join us in sponsoring this
event to be a part of the solution for a healthier, more resilient community. Our goal is to
find one presenting sponsor and others at varying levels. Please join us and register!
Because of support from our fundraiser last year, Sustainable Stillwater MN hired part-time contract employees to assist our workgroup leaders and volunteers to expand the impact of our many projects. SSMN is still very grassroots, with an eye for empowering our community to make individual, business, and governmental decisions that lower our carbon footprint. We are grateful to announce that our most impactful goal, a climate action plan with the City of Stillwater, is moving forward.
Karla Hult, from Channel 11, will be back to lead us as emcee with her passion and purpose. In the works is also a motivating, educational speaker, along with a local auctioneer. Green Champion Awards will return, and our location will move to the larger JX Center. Silent and live auction items, geared toward nature and sustainability, will be part of our evening as well.
Join us on November 2 with your sponsorship and presence as we learn and grow together as a community, honor those who are true champions in sustainability, and become inspired to “think globally, act locally.”
Working for our community, Sustainable Stillwater MN Board of Directors:
Rick Heidick, Board Chair; Roger Tomten, Board Vice-Chair; Tiffany Parr, Treasurer; Nancy Lyner, Secretary; Wendy Gorski, Green Business Lead; Buff Grace, Board Member, Clayton Dumcun, Board Member, Kelsey Depew, Communications Specialist; and Ami Voeltz, Program Administrator.
Here are the different levels of sponsorship:
Presenting Sponsor ($10,000): Name on invitations, banners, social media platforms, quarterly article in the newsletter, recognition at Photo Booth, website promotion, MC thank you, exclusive tabling (3 tables) during social hour, and one table of 10.
Earth Sponsor ($5,000): Name on banner, social media platforms, two articles in monthly newsletter, website promotion, MC thank you, tabling (2 tables) during social hour, and 8 tickets.
Forest Sponsor ($2,500): Name in program, social media platforms, name on website, one article per year in monthly newsletter, MC thank you, tabling (1 table) during social hour, and 6 tickets.
Grass Sponsor ($1,500): Name in program, social media platforms, name on website, one article per year in monthly newsletter, MC thank you, brochures/handouts during social hour,
and 4 tickets.
Roots Sponsor ($500) (unlimited - no tabling): Name on website and in social media platforms, name in program, MC thank You, and 2 tickets.
Seed Sponsor: in-kind donation of needed items for the event.
Mail check to Sustainable Stillwater MN, 5865 Neal Ave N, #152, Stillwater, MN 55082
OR Pay online:
Your gifts and SSMN’s determination have accomplished:
135 businesses in Green Business Directory - Bike to School Day - Bike Distribution - Upgrading Bronze Level Bike Friendly Community - Rain Gardens Maintenance - Pollinator and Bird-friendly Plantings at Lily Lake - Trash Dashes - Storm drains Stenciled - Presentations - Climate Action Plan Progress for the Stillwater Area - Bluebirds Nesting - What’s That Plant Events - Climate Fair - Stillwater EV Chargers - Monthly E-news - Lights Out for Birds - No Mow May - Volunteer Appreciation