At Sustainable Stillwater MN’s Sustainability Works! 2024 Gala & Awards, the Eco-Fashion Show, captured beautifully in a video by Lead Sheep Productions, brought together creativity, community, and a shared passion for the planet. This inspiring showcase of upcycled and sustainable designs was more than just a fashion show—it was a platform for youth and local designers to share their voices and visions for a sustainable future.

Eco-Fashion Through the Voices of the Designers and Models
The video begins with members of The Synergy Project, a student-led club, sharing how their collaboration with Sustainable Stillwater MN sparked the idea for the show. One speaker reflected on the inspiration behind the event:"The eco-fashion show focusing on eco-hope and youth was a perfect fit for us. It’s one thing to talk about sustainability—it’s another to create something that embodies it."
The participants’ enthusiasm for sustainability and fashion shines through as they describe their creations:
Chip Bag Couture: A student explained her dress, made entirely from recycled chip bags:"It’s made out of recycled chip bags and folded and velcroed together. I think it’s really cool that a bunch of people who care about sustainability are coming together to put this on." This look highlights the environmental impact of packaging waste while showcasing a creative, wearable solution.
Clean Air Awareness: Another participant modeled a dress made from recycled dryer sheets, sharing the purpose behind her design:"My outfit is made up of dryer sheets, like used ones, to help clean air." Her cloud-inspired creation brought attention to clean air initiatives and the beauty of repurposed materials.
Nature Meets Science: One student’s costume was designed to resemble a field researcher’s outfit, complete with plants and a sash:"It’s meant to look like I’m going into the woods to collect data." This design blended creativity with environmental activism, emphasizing the importance of citizen science.
A Celebration of Confidence and Creativity
For many participants, the event was their first time modeling or creating fashion. One speaker expressed her excitement:"I’ve never modeled before or walked the runway. I think it’s really cool to be a part of something where people care about sustainability."
Another student described how the experience helped them step out of their comfort zone:"It’s one thing that we found really cool to do in our school—promoting the reuse of clothes and secondhand fashion. I think we just wanted to continue this by getting out of our comfort zone and participating in the fashion show."
The show not only celebrated eco-fashion but also encouraged self-expression and confidence. As one student said:"It’s a wave of confidence that we should all feel when we’re getting out on that runway. It was really cool to see all the different dresses and creations here today."
Honoring Family and Tradition
For some participants, the show was also an opportunity to honor family traditions and history. One young designer shared the story of her outfit:"These are my great grandma’s buttons, and this dress is a hand-me-down. My grandma helped me sew it together."
This heartfelt connection between sustainability and family resonated with many in the audience, demonstrating how upcycled fashion can carry both environmental and emotional meaning.
A Message of Hope and Inspiration
The participants’ passion for sustainability was clear throughout the event. One aspiring fashion designer summed it up perfectly:"I’m going to be a fashion designer when I grow up, so this experience was amazing. I’ve been waiting for this moment for so long!"
The video ends with gratitude from one of the students:"Thank you for letting us be here tonight. We really appreciate this opportunity."
The video captures the heart of the Eco-Fashion Show: young people using their creativity to promote sustainability and inspire their community. Their designs are a reminder that fashion can be a powerful tool for change.
Watch the full video by Lead Sheep Productions to hear these voices and see the incredible designs for yourself. What’s your favorite part of the Eco-Fashion Show? Let us know in the comments!