Have you ever been walking along and wondered, "What's that plant?" We have set up this scavenger hunt along the Browns Creek Trail for you to learn some new plants.

Sept 01 – Sept 14, 2020
Brown's Creek Park, 8312 Neal Ave N, Stillwater, MN 55082, USA
Who: Plant ID volunteer: Caitlin Bergh, our newest Natural Resources Work Group member. Caitlin works full time at Bailey's Nursery, has served on the Oakdale Environmental Commission until recently moving to Stillwater... and loves plants! She enthusiastically volunteered to create our autumn event!
Who: Dennis Lindeke, the former Vice President of GBCTA, has volunteered to help monitor the trail during the day. He will provide friendly greetings and answer questions a few hours each day or so. He will be wearing his GBCTA t-shirt and is DNR Master Naturalist.
What: Stop at our sign on the trail next to Neal Avenue. Take a copy of our plant list, open your favorite plant ID iPhone app, and start looking around for our small white plastic signs. As you walk east, the plants on your list will be on your right. The turnaround point is just beyond the prairie that is full of tall grasses and flowers. On your way back to the Neal parking lot, watch for plant signs on your right to find the rest of the plants on the list. Be sure to scan beyond the trailside; some plants are a bit off the trail, especially in the prairie area.
Where: Plant signs end about 100 feet east of the prairie area. If you found the cup plant on the right side going east, you are nearing the end of the signage.
When: The plant signs will be viewable from September 1 - 14.
Find a plant not on our list but would still like help identifying it? The iNaturalist app is perfect for you. https://www.inaturalist.org/