Bicycle Friendly Community Education
Rick Heidick
Educate residents about safe biking practices and the community benefits of cycling.
This initiative will engage residents through educational materials and events that promote safe biking practices and highlight the environmental, health, and economic benefits of cycling
Key Actions
• Host bike safety workshops and community rides
• Distribute educational resources to local schools and organizations
• Collaborate with local media to increase awareness
Education & Connection to Sustainability
Cycling is a key component of a sustainable community. It reduces carbon emissions, improves air quality, and alleviates traffic congestion. Additionally, cycling promotes healthy lifestyles, reduces healthcare costs, and strengthens local economies by encouraging foot traffic to businesses.
Through this project, we aim to educate the public on how adopting cycling as a mode of transportation can lead to a greener future. From teaching safe biking practices to promoting the environmental and economic benefits of cycling, this initiative highlights how small, everyday choices can contribute to a more sustainable and connected community.
Project History
The Bicycle Friendly Community Education initiative has its roots in the Bicycle Friendly Community Workgroup, which began with the goal of making Stillwater safer and more enjoyable for cyclists. The group has worked closely with the city council and local organizations to improve infrastructure, organize events, and raise awareness about cycling benefits.
Since 2019, the project has supported events like the annual Bike to School Day, in collaboration with District 834 schools, and the Stillwater Police Department’s Annual Bike Safety Rodeo, providing education and hands-on activities for young riders. Additionally, the group has conducted surveys, advocated for a Complete Streets Resolution, and worked to increase the availability of bike racks in downtown Stillwater.
These efforts laid the groundwork for a thriving cycling culture, fostering collaboration between residents, local businesses, and policymakers.
Project Partners
Want to help make Stillwater a better place for cyclists? Join our Bicycle Friendly Community Education initiative and contribute to a more sustainable future! Whether you’re a seasoned cyclist or a community member passionate about sustainability, your time and skills can make a big difference. Email Rick Heidick to learn more about volunteer opportunities and help create a safer, healthier community.
Become a Project Volunteer!
Want to help make Stillwater a better place for cyclists? Join our Bicycle Friendly Community Education initiative and contribute to a more sustainable future! Whether you’re a seasoned cyclist or a community member passionate about sustainability, your time and skills can make a big difference. Email Rick Heidick to learn more about volunteer opportunities and help create a safer, healthier community.